Luigi Prina and his beautiful flying ships

We keep finding such inspirational and creative people out there, Luigi Prina who built his first model boat at age 16 now has the most phenomenal collection of handmade beautiful flying boats I have ever seen.

Luigi was an architect for more than 50 years and as a hobby makes flying ships from ultra-thin paper and balsa wood. They are light weight (between 20 and 50 grams) and and the propeller is powered by an internal elastic band. Luigi has the elastic bands for his flying ships shipped directly from Japan, made from pure Indian rubber they are the only elastic bands that are able to last for up to 20 years. Nothing but the best for his labours of love!

I think they look and sound magical as they flutter through the air. The passion and creativity of this man is inspirational. You can watch this short interview on YouTube..

What a collection… it must feel like you are in a fantasy land…


Absolutely stunning, would love to see them up close.
